Release concerning Nor-Maali Russia

Nor-Maali Group plans to exit from its business in Russia. The estimated schedule is by the year end 2022.

The condition for the exit is to ensure that the chemical production plant owned by Nor-Maali OOO does not fall into the wrong hands and is neither used for unwanted purposes.

Job security and business continuity is a matter of honor both for Nor-Maali and its owners, regardless of location. Decisions impacting employees are made in accordance with our family business values, in this case we also want to ensure the well-being and living of our Russian employees.

During our 35-years in business Nor-Maali has never laid off or dismissed employees based on production or financial grounds. This is our common state of will also in this current operating environment.


The planned exit is currently still reviewed by the authorities. The new estimated schedule for the exit is Q3/2024.

Lahti 1.7.2024


For further information:
Patrik Kvikant